​Luley Organ Company
Builders of fine pipe organs since 1983
Grace United Methodist Church
Hagerstown, Maryland
Rebuild Pedalboard
Assembling the console
Completed Great and Solo stop jamb.
Completed Swell and Pedal stop jamb.
Constructing the frame for the Great main wind chest.
Constructing the Great Schwimmer.
Wiring up the Great main chest.
Wiring up the Great main chest.
Restored Chimney Flute basses.
Chimney Flutes undergoing voicing.
Restored 8' First Open Diapason.
4' Open Flute pipes before and after restoration.
Voicing the 4' Open Flute.
Great table board finished.
Great table board and racking assembled for test fitting.
Test fitting the Great pipework.
Voicing the 8' Salicional
Great 8' Second Open Diapason and 8' Stopped Diapason offset bass chest under construction.
Center punching the racking for the Swell main chest.
Swell main chest ready for sanding and finish.
Swell main chest magnetized and ready for wiring.
16' Subbass chest under construction.
16' Subbass chest with finish applied.
16' Subbass chest under construction.
Tuba Mirabilis chest under construction.
Tuba Mirabilis chest magnetized and wired.
Great main chest in place.
Finished Great division.
The console in place with temporary music rack. Just a few more toe stud plaques to install, along with the inlaid music rack.
Basses of the 16' Diapason.
Racking the Pedal 16' Trombone
Racking the Pedal 16' Trombone
Swell pipework
Swell pipework
Console with inlaid music rack installed
Console with inlaid music rack installed
The console
Rebuild Pedalboard
Assembling the console
Completed Great and Solo stop jamb.
Completed Swell and Pedal stop jamb.
Constructing the frame for the Great main wind chest.
Constructing the Great Schwimmer.
Wiring up the Great main chest.
Wiring up the Great main chest.
Restored Chimney Flute basses.
Chimney Flutes undergoing voicing.
Restored 8' First Open Diapason.
Voicing the 8' Second Open Diapason.
4' Open Flute pipes before and after restoration.
Voicing the 4' Open Flute.
Great table board finished.
Great table board and racking assembled for test fitting.
Test fitting the Great pipework.
Voicing the 8' Salicional
Great 8' Second Open Diapason and 8' Stopped Diapason offset bass chest under construction.
Center punching the racking for the Swell main chest.
Swell main chest ready for sanding and finish.
Swell main chest magnetized and ready for wiring.
16' Subbass chest under construction.
16' Subbass chest with finish applied.
Test fitting pouch boards.
16' Subbass chest under construction.
Tuba Mirabilis chest under construction.
Tuba Mirabilis chest under construction.
Tuba Mirabilis chest magnetized and wired.
Great main chest in place.
Finished Great division.
Basses of the 16' Diapason.