​Luley Organ Company
Builders of fine pipe organs since 1983
Duquesne University Mary Pappert School of Music
Secondary Teaching Studio Organ

Aeolian-Skinner opus 1508 (1968). Acquired by Duquesne in 2003 the organ was severely loud for the room, even on low pressure. The IV Mixture and chamade portion of the 8' Trompette have already been removed. The Mixture was reemployed on the Great of the Teaching Studio organ in the summer of 2014.

Aeolian Skinner opus 1508 (1968).

Backside view of the Aeolian-Skinner

Old setup with Meidinger blower and 1960s rectifier.

8' Oboe pipes awaiting revoicing

Old 1916 Estey Haskell pipe awaiting cleaning, mandrelling, and revoicing.

8' Dulciana Haskells, A# unrestored, and B restored.

Mouth detail comparing restored and unrestored Haskell basses. These pipes will form the bass octave of the Swell 8' Viole.

Restored 8' Salicional Haskell pipe

Restored Haskell pipe detail

1907 Felgemaker 16' Subbass pipe after cleaning and awaiting paint.

1907 Felgemaker 16' Subbass pipes undergoing restoration and painting